资 源 简 介
Old Repository for the LCAClassifier and CREST - please visit github.com/lanzen/CREST for latest releases
[CREST and the LCAClassifier have moved to Github](https://github.com/lanzen/CREST). As of January 2015, this Google Code repository will not be updated or maintained..
LCAClassifier is a program for taxonomical classification, using the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm to a custom reference database and taxonomy. LCAClassifier is a part of CREST - Classification Resources for Environmnetal Sequence Tags.
[How to install the LCAClassifier](Installation.md)
[How to use the LCAClassifier](Userguide.md)
[CREST Tutorial](http://services.cbu.uib.no/supplementary/crest/CREST_Tutorial.html)
If you use CREST or the LCAClassifier in your research, pl