资 源 简 介
I based my Eclipse plug-in project on the code from the “Colors eclipse plug-in” at http://milanl.wz.cz/eclipse/colors/.
My goal was to enhance the Colors view by :
**Adding a color bar with 9 different colors from which the user could select to display
its color code.**
The color at the middle of the bar will be the active/current color which values/codes
will be display in the color selectors
Any of the other 8 colors in the bar can be selected by clicking on it. These colors
are going to change at the same time and in the same color proportion as the active
color is being modified when the user works with the slector scroll bars.
**Adding a button in the selectors tool bar to display the content of the clipboard.The
original plug-in has the option copy to/from clipboard, but it was not possible for the
user to see the content of the clipboard.**
Colors plug-in is a