资 源 简 介
bioinformatics stuffs. any feedback or contributions would be greatly appreciated i can move code to github/bitbucket to facilitate that if it helps:
NOTE: as of 2009/10/13 some modules which previously lived here have been moved to bitbucket
biostuff: fast, memory efficient (cython) reader and objects for GFF and tab-delimited BLAST files: http://code.google.com/p/bpbio/source/browse/#svn/trunk/biostuff/biostuff
from biostuff import BlastLine for line in open("some_file.blast"): b = BlastLine(line) print b.query, b.subject, b.pctid, b.qstart, b.qstop
gfftools: these mostly require genometools to work, but allow merging and sorting of existing gff files and drawing (using matplotlib) of gff files onto chromosomes.
ihash : this is a project to encode an interval to a string suitable for indexing in a b-tree,