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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 集成音频功率放大器电路是一种可以采用数控方式产生计数脉冲实现音量调节的装置, 从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路和模拟集成电路的组合和综合运用,因此,我们此次设计就...

集成音频功率放大器电路是一种可以采用数控方式产生计数脉冲实现音量调节的装置, 从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路和模拟集成电路的组合和综合运用,因此,我们此次设计就...

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集成音频功率放大器电路是一种可以采用数控方式产生计数脉冲实现音量调节的装置, 从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路和模拟集成电路的组合和综合运用,因此,我们此次设计就是为了了解数控电路和功率放大电路的原理,从而学会制作数字控制电路而且通过制作进一步的了解各种在制作中用到的中小规模集成电路的作用及实用方法.且由于数字钟包括组合逻辑电路和时叙电路.通过它可以进一步学习与掌握各种组合逻辑电路与时序电路的原理与使用方法。-Audio power amplifier integrated circuit is a way to use digital pulse counting device to adjust the volume to achieve, from the principle of speaking is a typical digital circuit and analog integrated circuits and integrated use of the combination, so we design is the In order to understand the numerical control circuit and power amplifier circuit principle, and thus learn to create digital control circuit and further understanding through the production of all kinds in the production of integrated circuits used in the role of small and medium-sized and practical method. and as a result of the number of minutes, including combinational logic circuit and when the circuit Syria. through its further study and master the various combinations of logic circuits and sequential circuits and

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