资 源 简 介
Adobe Flash cross-domain-policy file delivering service
Focused (but not limited to) on IRC environments
Xtreme Flash Policy, although it"s designed to be used in conjunction with LightIRC (http://www.lightirc.com/) it"s suitable for many other
environments which needs to serve cross-domain-policy files through network as long as meets Adobe specifications
(more info about Adobe cross-domain-policy: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomainpolicyfile_spec.html).
Xtreme Flash Policy includes some additional useful features (optionals):
Three peer connection pool methods: QUEUE, FORK and THREAD.
Flood connect protection by using max-conn and time thresholds (detect and blacklist).
IRC Bot to monitor service activity.
!Fantasy commands for IRCops to interact with IRC Bot.
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