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Tagbooru - Booru Downloader and File Tagger
What is this?
Script that downloads images from danbooru/moe.imouto and renames them to "ID - tags". Example: "411914 - ibuki_suika k_hiro touhou.jpg".
Update 4 March 2013:
Currently, I"m working on updating tagbooru. Since August, I"ve had a machine crawling sankaku, konachan, yandere (moe.imouto), 3dbooru, e-shuushuu and danbooru to establish a complete dataset. The result of this crawl was approximately 80gb of raw text which I"ll go through soon. I don"t expect to be able to release a working tagbooru anytime soon, especially now that danbooru has changed its layout. Please search for alternatives.
Tagbooru downloads images from danbooru, 3dbooru and moe.imouto and renames them according to their tags. It is a great method to create and maintain a large local collection of images while maintaining searchability and henc