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越来越多的束Joomla 1.5码的善良

  • 资源大小:22.60 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: joomla 越来越 善良

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Textmate goodness for Joomla! Textmate is one of the best text editors for Mac, no question about it. I have used it for several months now and can’t imagine my geek life without it. The current release is the ALPHA version of the Joomla Textmate Bundle. It features quick snippets for template building and extension building. SEE A VIDEO OF IT HERE: http://beautyindesign.com/articles/joomla-15-textmate-bundle-alpha-release/ Currently, the bundle has shortcuts and snippets for: Template module positions Template XML structure Miscellaneous template tags Controller template, toolbar template, etc. A few commonly used snippets from the JPATH, JTable, JFactory, and JRequest super-classes. My goal for the joomla textmate bundle is to encompass a large portion of Joomla’s framework in it (or at least the most commonly used portions). I would love for someone to help out with it. Currently it is

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Joomla 1_5.tmbundle

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