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A set of scripts for converting an emacs org-mode text file to a Shadow Plan XML file for viewing on a Palm handheld.
Emacs org-mode is a brilliant plain-text outliner/planner/to-do-list-organizer for my favorite text editor.
Shadow Plan (a Palm Outliner) is pretty much defunct these days, god bless it, but it was the de-facto standard for outliners/task managers on the Palm.
I hacked these scripts together to convert my org-mode outlines to Shadow Plan XML files and vice versa.
I don"t use these scripts any longer and likely won"t maintain them much, but I decided to release them into the wild for anyone who might find them useful.
Two files are included in this repository:
orgshadow.pl -- converts an org-mode text file to a Shadow Plan XML file
shadoworg.pl -- converts a Shadow Plan XMl file to an org-mode text file
Read the comments in the head of each script for usage details, dependencies, and user-ed