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Draws a full-terminal display of nodeboards and jobs. The grid shows the nodeboards (columns) for each midplane (rows) as a single character. The specific character denotes the state of the nodeboard or identifies the job running on that nodeboard. The job listing shows the job name, class name, state, etc. and, on the far left, the character used to identify nodeboards in the upper grid.
bgtop [-s seconds] [options]
-s seconds between refreshes
-c show only a class"s jobs
-u show only a user"s jobs
-j show only a given jobid
-C toggle colorization
-G toggle grid display
-Q toggle class display
-t toggle showing queued jobs in class display
-n no space between columns
-J toggle jobs in grid display
-fillbg fill background with black
-man show the man page
-d show debug warnings
-V print version and exit<