资 源 简 介
This handy desktop utility will allow you to search the online Compendium for Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition. It uses the DDI Compendium web service interface. You will need a registered DDI login with payed subscription to view the full HTML description for any of the items in the compendium. This is a .NET application, so it will only run in Windows. Sorry Mac and Linux users, but I understand other people are working on similar apps for you.
Version history:
* Fixed a bug in sorting code. It was throwing an exception every time it tried to sort numeric data mixed with empty strings.
* Fixed a couple bugs in parsing the results of Skill and Trap searches.
* The search results list is now a multi-column list view control. Columns will vary depending on what category is being searched
* Clicking the column headers will sort the results based on the column content