资 源 简 介
Instead of the standard Forth engine 4tH features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language.
It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, unions, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc.
It comes with an RPN calculator, line editor, preprocessor, compiler, decompiler, C-source generator, a virtual machine, and a multitasking environment.
It also contains over 200 example programs, including a complete port of Super Startrek, a block editor, a nuclear test simulator, the 4tH preprocessor - which happens to be written entirely in 4tH - and an extended TinyBasic implementation.
From v3.62.1 this project has been moved to 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报