资 源 简 介
The project is developed in a joint collaboration between University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (http://cipsm.hpc.pub.ro/vanet/) and Rutgers University (http://discolab.rutgers.edu/).
Disclaimer: Before downloading, you must read and agree with this disclaimer:
The sole purpose of this software is to collect data about traffic. The identity and location of the users participating on this project will not be stored at the server, nor will it be used for any other commercial or non-commercial purpose (without explicit permission from the users participating in the experiment). It is the responsibility of the user to fully obbey all the applicable laws, including those related to the driving and the use of mobile phones. By downloading this software, you agree to use it in only a lawful manner. Installing it on someone"s else phone without their knowledge is not permitted. Our team assumes no liability and it is not responsible for any misuse, damage or consequence of us