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New Release dexter-0.9.9 final Dexter is a tool for producing XSLT 1.0-compliant stylesheets to style arbitrary XML data into human-readable XHTML using the design document as the source. Thus changes to the visual layout may be propagated directly to the XSLT through a predictable, automated process. While it can be used with many other XML formats such as WML or RSS, formats with complex attribute-value structures such as SVG will be supported with extension modules in the future. Dexter allows users to define extended attributes which can be associated with descriptors and editors. These attributes can be embedded into any well-formed XML document. The resulting embellished document, the "source", is then input to the dexter engine. This will generate one or more XSLT stylesheets describing the input document interpolating editor modifications and any instructions specified by the descriptors. Operations are specified exclusively wi

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