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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 用CORDIC算法实现的2参数反正切。结果的精度与CORDIC的迭代次数有关,迭代次数越多,精度越高。本例子中精确到小数点后4位。要提高迭代次数,还得把增加1Q...


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用CORDIC算法实现的2参数反正切。结果的精度与CORDIC的迭代次数有关,迭代次数越多,精度越高。本例子中精确到小数点后4位。要提高迭代次数,还得把增加1QN格式的位数,比如32位long,程序多处需要修改,有需要的话自己改吧。 -CORDIC algorithm with the two parameters arc tangent. And the accuracy of the CORDIC iteration number, the more the number of iteration, the higher the accuracy. This case accurate to four decimal places. To raise the number of iterations, it has to the increase in a 2:30 format of the median, such as 32 long, multiple procedures need to change, the need to reform it themselves.

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