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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 在标签分隔的文件中创建xml文档,从标签(平面)文件或提取信息。PSI-MI友好!


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This project is now available in [GitHub](https://github.com/arnaudceol/psimi-maker-flattener). This project hosts the XML Maker Flattener application. If you find a bug, report it. XML Maker and Flattener xmlmakerflattener provides a graphical interface used to map fields from a tab-delimited file to the elements of a XML schema (xsd) and create compliant XML Document. A second interface permits to select the nodes of interest in the schema and export corresponding information from a XML Document to a flat (e.g. tab-delimited file). Protein Standard Initiative This application has been originally created for the Protein Standard Initiative (http://www.psidev.info/) to help creating compliant PSI-MI XML document for the represent

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