资 源 简 介
Grading assignments at a college level takes time and resources,
usually in the form of teaching assistants (TA’s). Professors and TA’s cannot
easily spend enough time to effectively grade assignments. Peer grading, where
identities are known, can be extremely biased and unreliable: if assignments
are entirely peer-graded, then grades will quickly inflate as students realize
it is mutually beneficial to give high grades. We have developed a web-based
system called CLAPTRAP (Classrooms Leveraging Anonymous Participation to
Relieve Agonized Professors) which will facilitate peer grading in an
anonymous web-based format. To remove incentive to give incorrect
grades, “expert” graders (professors and TA’s) will grade papers at
random. Also, students will be asked to give their own assignments a
grade. When the grades are compared, a reputation mechanism will reward
or penalize the student by adjusting his reputation score. Much
research has been done on reputation mechanisms in the marke