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The website allows a user to Check for the Availability of Tickets, Book, Block, Cancel or Modify the tickets online. There are two types of users- Registered and Guest User. A Registered User can perform all the actions but a Guest User can only Check for the availability of tickets.
The user may check for the availability of flights and the seats available. The user can select the source and destination cities. The system verifies the names of the cities and if the names of the cities are available in the database, the user is next prompted to enter class, departure date and number of adult passengers, children and senior citizens traveling. A list of flights is displayed in a tabular form with the flight number, departure time at the source city, arrival time at the destination city, duration of flight and number of seats available.
A Registered User can make the payment of the booked tickets online and if the tickets are modified or cancelled, the calculated amou