资 源 简 介
3kkk-me is appengine blog system.
demo: http://www.3kkk.me/
How to start:
1, download 3kkk-me source
2, modify app.yaml:
set application to your appengine app id
3, modify settings.py:
4, use appcfg.py upload code to appengine server
5, enjoy it
1, simple: no tag, no category
2, editor: image upload, code highlight、blockquote、Pagination
3, sidebar definition
4, sitemap、rss
5, no
1,2009.5.14 15.20 修改留言空格不显示的bug
2, 2009.6.20 23.32 修改程序自动跳转到3kkk.me的bug