资 源 简 介
transmission-remote-dotnet is a Windows remote client to the RPC interface of transmission-daemon, which is part of the Transmission BitTorrent client. The application is quite like µTorrent in appearance and currently supports almost all the RPC specification.
transmission-remote-dotnet 3.24.3 (12/11/11)
Fixed tracker filter issue
Updated geoip database
transmission-remote-dotnet 3.24.2 (19/10/11)
Fixed two issue at new Transmission
transmission-remote-dotnet 3.24.1 (17/10/11)
Add support to new Transmission (>2.40)
transmission-remote-dotnet 3.24 (13/12/10)
New release with following features:
* issue 71 Enhancement idea: RSS
* issue 219 Support Other SSH Client