资 源 简 介
This is the Google code home of the XenoCat R-package. The modeling framework offered here is intended for the analysis of xenografts and other heterogeneous tumor growth experiments through categorizing mixed-effects models.
Laajala TD, Corander J, Saarinen NM, Mäkelä K, Savolainen S, Suominen MI, Alhoniemi E, Mäkelä S, Poutanen M, Aittokallio T. Improved statistical modeling of tumor growth and treatment effect in pre-clinical animal studies with highly heterogeneous responses in vivo. Clin Cancer Res. 2012;18(16):4385-96.
XenoCat is an user-contributed, open source package available for the free R statistical software.
Source, binary, R step-by-step example and documentation are available here.
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