资 源 简 介
Wiring is an open source electronics prototyping platform composed of a programming environment (IDE), an electronics prototyping board, documentation thoughtfully created with designers and artists in mind and a community where experts, intermediate and beginners from around the world share ideas, knowledge and their collective experience.
There are thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Wiring for learning, prototyping, and professional work production.
Roadmap includes support for multiple hardware architectures "Cores"
The current Atmel AVR 8 bit Core supports the Wiring hardware and any hardware based on the AVR ATmega processors. AVR Xmega, AVR Tiny, Texas Instruments MSP430, Microchip PIC24/32 Series and STMicroelectronics ARM Cortex M3 Cores will be available soon.
Simple third party hardware support integration (hardware definitions)
Free to download, open sour