资 源 简 介
May 16, 2012: There"s a nice new theme for Tumbler. Check it out!: https://github.com/piotrpietrzak/tumbler-glass-theme
Jan 9, 2012: Tumbler 0.4.1 released, upgraded to JUnitParams-0.4.0 and with fix of one templates-related issue
Jan 2, 2012: Tumbler 0.4.0 released, now officially with Parameterised scenarios and upgraded to junit4.10
Jun 14, 2011: Parameters should be working fine now. Some issues have also been solved (see the issues section) - you can check it in the Mercurial, or with maven use version 0.3.1-SNAPSHOT from sonatype snapshots repository. Some more little improvements on the way, and I"ll make a release.
Apr 29, 2011: Moved to Mercurial from SVN. Parameterised scenarios are implemented. Check it out and build from the source if you want to try them. Though v0.4 with them will be released soon.
Aug 13,