资 源 简 介
Input and control system for a powered wheelchair using the ATxmega64A1 rev H.
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To compile the code, use Atmel Studio 6.0.1996 - Service Pack 2 with AVRGCC
In addition to programming the flash and eeprom files, the ATxmega64A1 brown-out detection (BOD) fuse bits need to be programmed to 2.9V or 2.7V, and BOD enabled continuously in order to avoid EEPROM corruption. The BOD fuse bits are not in the location described in the XMEGA A manual - look at the errata. If the target microcontroller ever changes to ATxmega64A1 rev G, the code may require changes (specifically code dealing with EEPROM).
To edit schematics use Eagle 5.11 (NOT Eagle 6)
SparkFun eagle 5.11 library: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Library
ads4: http://www.andrewsterian.com/courses/214/ads4.lbr
Quick joystick reference:
* x-axis = horizontal = right/left = direction = blue