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资 源 简 介

General Public Description: Auto-Proxy is a general purpose development board designed to breakout the ATmega8/168/328 microcontroller. The component cost per controller is about $25 with a PCB costing about $25-50 per board. Bearing remarkable similarity to Arduino, using a 16Mhz crystal will allow one to use the Arduino bootloader to prototype but the board is NOT pin-compatible with the Arduino nor does it match the form factor for "duino" capable shields. Programming is recommended to use AVR Studio and a specialized bootloader and AVR interface is necessary to make use of the USB-Serial functionality outside of the Arduino IDE. I would also like to give thanks to my fellow classmates who worked on this project in tandem: Mark, Duong and Cory. It was a fun project and term and I am pleased with the result. 2011 ECE 411 Project Summary: Using an array of range finding sensors connected to a microcontroller a user would get a distance to obstacle dist