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This project provides a identity-based cryptography toolkit based on the CPK (Combined Public Key) cryptography algorithm. The foundation of this project is the CPK algorithm. CPK is one type of Identity Based Cryptography (IBC), which is public key cryptography that the public key can be an arbitrary string such as an email address, a user name, or a phone number. The concept of taking identity or identifier as public key was introduced to eliminate the complexity of public key and certificate management. The CPK algorithm is one of the implementations of IBC that was invented by Xianghao Nan.
CPK Algorithm
The advantage of CPK can be seen from a scenario that Alice wants to send a secret message to Bob with email address ""bob@company.com"". With traditional public key techniques such as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) or PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), Alice must get Bob"s public key from a online public key database such as LDAP (Lightweig