资 源 简 介
本手册针对的读者是 Quartus II 软件的初学者,它概述了可编程逻辑设计中
Quartus II 软件的功能。 不过,本手册并不是 Quartus II 软件的详尽参考手
册。 相反,本手册只是一本指导书,它解释软件的功能以及显示这些功能如
何帮助您进行 FPGA 和 CPLD 设计。-QuartusII brochure+ Chinese version of the manual is aimed at readers of Quartus II software for beginners, it provides an overview of programmable logic design in Quartus II software. However, this manual is not the Quartus II software, a detailed reference manual. Instead, this manual is a guide book, which explained the functions of the software and show how these features help you to FPGA and CPLD design.