资 源 简 介
This program was designed to find whether the arguments (files) exist inside the path directories. This program does not use the standard path directories as its base for searching, but rather it echoes the most current path and looks in those directories.
The only downfall to this program is that if you change your path variable in a certain shell, it will only reflect the path that you entered before you used the command. Therefore if you do the following:
PATH=/thisiscool:/:/ithink:/ican:/changevariablespathlookup arg1 arg2
It is possible that the command pathlookup arg1 arg2 will only generate an error with Bash because the command might not even be located in these directories. Yet, if the command pathlookup is located within one of these directories then it will search for the files arg1 and arg2 within the directories /thisiscool and / and /ithink and /ican and