资 源 简 介
Planet-EMC is a scientific computation code. Its purpose if to perform solar radiative transfer simulations in 3D planetary inhomogeneous, absorbing and scattering atmospheres, including clouds. Absorption and scattering properties of the gas and of clouds are not computed by this code (these properties are input data).
This program is flexible: basic input data about the planet and its star can be changed, as well as the solar input direction. The planetary atmosphere is divided in a number of cells that are defined by two values of longitude, two values of latitude and two values of altitude. Orography can be taken into account: the altitude of the ground has to be specified at the center of each atmospheric column. Similarly, clouds can be defined (independently from gas cells). Then absorption and scattering properties of gas and clouds have to be specified over two independent spectral grids.
Outputs are the radiative fluxes densities (watts per square meter) at