资 源 简 介
LaTeX/Beamer presentations are great: probably it is the best free presentation tool at all.
However, it has some drawbacks which often prevent users from intensively use it.
In my experience, these drawbacks are essentially three:
i) you must know LaTeX and Beamer syntax at a proper level;
ii) the start-up phase is always, somehow slow: if you have to build a simple presentation i.e. with 4/5 slides, the time effort in Beamer is incomparably bigger than in other WYSIWYG software;
iii) on the other side, if your presentation is quite long (with many sections and subsections), it tooks a while since you are not able to understand where you are simply by looking at your code (like LaTeX users are sued to).
This little package won"t help you with problem i) but it tries to fasten the step addressed in ii) and iii) by means of a bash script, a good main presentation file template and a hierarchical file/frame structure.