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Scripts to fence domU virtual machines hosted on a Citrix XenServer or Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) dom0 physical machine.
There are two scripts at the moment that are capable of fencing a virtual machine that is running on a XenServer host. This script is needed if you are using some sort of shared access device like an iSCSI device.
The Red Hat version of the fencing script (fence_cxs_redhat.py) is now ready and fully functional. It is able to fence a VM by UUID or by VM name. It can work on the command line, or via parameters supplied to stdin meaning that it is compatible with the fencing daemon that the Red Hat clustering suite uses (fenced and fence_node). To use the Red Hat style script, you need to use the fencing.py script supplied in this repository as I have had to make a number of changes to add the required functionality. These changes will hopefully be adopted by the fencing agents project in the future. Hopefully this script will be too :) I am already tal