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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 结合现有的一些工具来方便地保存声音从RTP RTP转储文件转储文件和播放声音

结合现有的一些工具来方便地保存声音从RTP RTP转储文件转储文件和播放声音

资 源 简 介

Combining some existing tools to easily save voice to RTP dump file and playback voice from RTP dump file. Firstly, download mediastreamer2 library from the below link and build: http://www.linphone.org/eng/documentation/dev/mediastreamer2.html on "tests" sub-directory, there will have mediastream.exe. Secondly, download RTP Tools from the below link: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/irt/software/rtptools/ Use the below batch file: * rtpdump_gen.bat - Will save your voice to the RTP dump file: ``` @ECHO OFF START "mediastream_test" /MIN mediastream.exe --local 2000 --remote --payload 110 START "rtpdump_test" /MIN rtpdump.exe -F dump -o ./my.rtpdump ECHO "Press Any Key to Finish the Voice Dump" PAUSE TASKKILL /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq mediastream_test" TASKKILL /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq rtpdump_test" EXIT ``` rtpdump_playback.bat - Will playback your vo

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