资 源 简 介
A system for writing well-structured documentation in a section-oriented form that can be translated to HTML, PDF or any other format.
What does it do
Text is written in an XML format designed to be easily human readable and writable - to avoid writing everything in XML, the system supports TeX-style macro-like constructions (the macro system is not Turing complete). This is translated into a single pure XML file, which can then be translated into different end-formats (HTML, TeX etc.)
A few of the selling points:
* LaTeX-like macros. Converting documentation from LaTeX should be reasonably painless.
* Easy-to-write front-end XML format and well-define backend XML format.
* Support for math (currently somewhat limited)
* Error reporting. Inconsistencies (XML syntax errors, macro errors, missing references etc.) is detected and reported as precisely as possible.
* Well-documented - the system can automatically generate reference documentat