资 源 简 介
This package will provide utility functions to make it easier to use the interactive scala interpreter, and also to allow easier scripting with scala
Sample usage
$ scalaWelcome to Scala version 2.6.1-final.Type in expressions to have them evaluated.Type :help for more information.
We begin by importing **helper**, which is the object provided by this package
scala> import helper._import helper._
**helper.exec** allows you to execute any command and get back the exit status along with the output
scala> exec ("find ../ -type d -maxdepth 1")res0: (Int, List[String]) = (0,List(../, ../thunderbird, ../bin, ../man, ../share, ../info, ../lib, ../include, ../argo, ../eclipse, ../google-earth, ../etc, ../plugins, ../phrasebooks, ../examples, ../demos, ../doc, ../translations, ../mkspecs, ../jaxe-source, ../cursor_themes, ../libexec)
As you can see, the result of