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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > H.245是H.323协议族中用于媒体信道控制的协议主要完成多媒体通信中每个逻辑通道的建立维护和释放具体包括逻辑通道的打开和关闭参数设定收发双方的能力协商等控制...


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  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 标      签: 电子书 pdf

资 源 简 介

H.245是H.323协议族中用于媒体信道控制的协议主要完成多媒体通信中每个逻辑通道的建立维护和释放具体包括逻辑通道的打开和关闭参数设定收发双方的能力协商等控制功能同时它还要完成多点会议呼叫中逻辑信道的配合控制功能.-H.245 is the H.323 protocol suite used for the control of the media channel protocol multimedia communications major to complete each logical channel in the establishment, maintenance and release of specific logical channel, including open and close the parameter settings of both the ability to send and receive control functions, such as consultations At the same time, it also completed Multipoint call with the logical channel control functions.

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