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Artificial Intelligence Notebook - Practical and Modern Cookbook Projects in AI
Browse SVN Repositories
Visit the ainotebook SVN source repositories listed below:
http://ainotebook.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ainotebook/socialnet/ - Social Network, Natural Language Analysis
tags for socialnet: nlp, opennlp, text analysis,
http://ainotebook.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ainotebook/pinobot/ - Pinobot OpenGL Tron Bot
tags for pinobot: opengl, tron, game ai
http://ainotebook.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ainotebook/nupic/ - Numenta HTM examples
tags for nupic: nupic, numenta, bitworm, htm
http://ainotebook.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/programd/ProgramD/ - Updates to ProgramD AIML bot framework
tags for ProgramD: aiml, bots, chat
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