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Have you ever wanted to take an XML or generic Object and use it in your application as a typed ActionScript object?
If so, the typical approach requires the developer to create custom factories in your BDs (Business Delegate, assuming you’re using Cairngorm) or directly in the BD or in each Command (I hope not) for each property within the response XML -- the following example assumes you"re a Responder object"s result method:
function result(response:Object):void
var responseXML:XML;
var myResponse:MyResponse;
responseXML = XML(response);
myResponse = new MyResponse();
myResponse.objFoo = String(responseXML.@objFoo); // for XML attrs
myResponse.objBar = Number(responseXML.objBar); // for XML nodes
// for XML nodes that you need a Boolean from
myResponse.objBarA = (responseXML.objBarA == "true") ? true : false;
// looping through a list of nodes and create an array or
for each(item in myResponse.items)