资 源 简 介
SoundSkin is a light weight (under 1.5k) wrapper for AS3 Sound objects which provides an easy and robust interface for controlling sound playback. SoundSkin can be constructed with a preloaded Sound object, or manage the loading of an external audio file. The SoundSkin code library includes the basic SoundSkin class for simple sound control, and a SoundSkinFx class which adds volume fade transitions.
Main library features:
Percentage-based scrub and volume controls.
Built in mute controls.
Length estimation for downloading audio.
Robust looping control, including indefinite looping, loop pause, loop rewind, and loop reset.
Persistent control of channel position and pan (even while sound is stopped).
Volume fade in/out/to (SoundSkinFx class).
Toggles for playback and mute.
SoundSkin manages all Flash-native sound related components (Sound, SoundChannel, SoundTransform, etc). You can totally