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Plugins for FlashDevelop
Version plugin :
This plugin will generate a Version.as file at compile time with major, minor, build, SVN revision, timestamp and author informations.
LibraryDepot plugin :
This plugin will help you to copy your favorite libraries to your projects.
Scripts for Photoshop
PSTools v2.0 :
Utility that will add to your Explorer ContextMenu some usefull features like:
- Save your PSD as JPEG, PNG, GIF with just a right click on the PSD file
Save layer comps as numbered JPEG, PNG (ex: home_v01.1.jpg, home_v01.2.jpg from a home_v01.psd file with two layer comps)
Export assets for smartphones at 1x and 2x
Export images rights to a folder : #IS-LD-€€-123456 will create a link to the sotck photo
Export smartobjects to a seperate folder
Clean layers n