资 源 简 介
Note-It is a simple note utility for you to keep your notes. Note-It is designed with simplicity in mind, ease of usability , hassle-less and portability ... in the context where you carry the entire Note-It folder (unzip) in your portable device, plug into a computer with a JVM and run it straight without any installation or anything. I thik good about Note-It is you can copy it to any folder or device and as long as you have a JVM , it just runs.
The current state of Note-It is that it is still not ready for production with a couple of functions left not handled.. errors not caught and issues of usability and GUI not yet fully decided upon. It would take sometime for the stable version 1 to be released. If you want to tolerate all the errors and half done functions and go for the simple porability and want to try out it"s Note functions, you can download them to test and feedback.