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NEWS (2013-12-05) MP-LABS v1.4 released. This is a minor bugfix for the development codes introduced in v1.3. Older versions have been marked as Deprecated but can still be found in the downloads section.
NEWS (2013-11-14) MP-LABS v1.3 released. This release introduces a hybrid MPI+OMP version of the Zheng-Shu-Chew model in 3D. Development code for has been disclosed for educationl purposes. Older versions have been marked as Deprecated but can still be found in the downloads section.
NEWS (2013-09-10) MP-LABS v1.2 released. This release introduces a performance focused version of the Zheng-Shu-Chew model in 3D. This optimized version is written using OpenMP and has shown excelent performance on the new Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The package installation has been simplified and all documentation updated. Older ver