资 源 简 介
Cal3DJS is an open source Javascript skeleton based 3D character animation engine ported from the original C/C++ [Cal3D](http://home.gna.org/cal3d/) project. It is designed (but not limited) to be utilized by WebGL and canvas applications. Cal3DJS is pure Javascript and independent of any graphic API.
skeleton based animations
seamless blending of multiple animation tracks
attachment and detachment of one or more skinned meshes at runtime
transformation of vertices and normals according to the weighted influence of one or more bones
flexible material handling
support for multiple texture mapping channels
progressive meshes for character LOD (level-of-detail)
both binary and text (XML) file formats
experimental spring-system support for cloth and hair animation
exporter plugins supported (3D Studio Max, Blender, MilkShape and more)