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7. Description of the work The user needs will be determined and investigated in full depth in order to be able to develop the system. It comprises monitoring at three levels (scales): Selected intensive and small-size key-biotype areas (nodes) of a typical size of 20 km2 monitored in full detail by automatic field sensors, field studies and airborne very-high-resolution remote sensing; Fixed (including Level-1 areas) and sampled position high-resolution satellite images covering e.g. 10% of Europe"s forest each time; Spatial statistical parameter prediction for Europe"s total forested area based on medium resolution satellite data, data from Level 2, previous monitoring of the same area and meteorological data. Automatic field sensors are intended to measure air, precipitation and soil variables continuously (e.g., related to man-induced pollution). Very-high-resolution airborne data are typically collected each few yea

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