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资 源 简 介

TEAM # 5 Project for Object Oriented Software Engineering CSC 440/540 Spring 2011. Mobile Smil in the Cloud SMIL (pronounced "smile"), i.e., Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, is an XML markup language for describing multimedia presentations. It defines markup for timing, layout, audio, and visual presentations. The SMIL language supports displaying media such as text, image, audio, and video with timing controls (e.g., begin time, end time, duration, etc.). Currently, there are some SMIL players available, such as Realplayer, Quicktime, Windows Media player classic, etc. However, there are very few SMIL players available for mobile devices. Motivated by this problem, developing a Mobile SMIL message system may create great business values. The system should consist of a SMIL composer and a SMIL player. The SMIL composer can create a new SMIL message, edit a SMIL message, save a SMIL message, preview a SMIL m

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