资 源 简 介
Zip library for ActionScript3 on AIR
1) Specialize in AIR
It becomes possible for the access to begin at the end of the file ( zip entry infomations ),
It does not to depend on the size of zip file.
So It is able to access information quickly,not loading it entire archive into memory.
2) Async/Sync upzip
Airxzip has 2 unzip method. ( unzip() and unzipAsync() )
3) PKWare encrypt/decrypt
4) File attribute ( Zip mode only)
Enable to set file attirbute.
ex) “0700″ “0755″
5) Japanese filename
Mac OS and Unix filename is UTF-8, Windows is Shift_JIS.
And Mac OS UTF-8 and Unix UTF-8 is not same to handle Hankaku-kana.
So Airxzip resolve these difference automatically.
sample code