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Aardwolf Mush Client Plugins and VI support
Search and Destroy Plugin STANDALONE (Version 2.8)
Combines the power of:
* auto-hunt,
* hunt-trick (now with hot-swappable targets),
* quick-where (linking where to your mush mapper),
* awesome-kill (command that attacks your last entered mob) and
* quick-scan (scanning for the last mob you hunted for)
to make an integrated plugin that will make quests and campaigns a lot more streamlined.
Download Search and Destroy Plugin
Search and Destroy Triple Pack v2.8
If you are confident creating custom exits (cexits) in mush, then you might want to install the Search and Destroy Triple pack, bundled with Mapper Extender which will:
* run you to the first room in any area the fastest possible way
* greatly assist you in campaign and quests
* a room iterator so you can search for