资 源 简 介
This program will help you visualize different algorithms (example: sorting) and data structures (example: binary search tree). You should see changes in the data structure during execution of an algorithm, in the form of an animation. Hopefully this will make it easier to understand algorithms and data structures..
Another purpose/use of this project is to learn different classes and functions offered by OpenSceneGraph.
$ make
g++ -Wall -g -c main.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -c btnode.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -c scenegraph.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -c commandline.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -c callback.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -L/usr/local/lib -losg -losgDB -losgViewer main.o btnode.o scenegraph.o commandline.o callback.o -o binarytree
$ ./binarytree --help
Usage: binarytree [options...]
To visualize binary tree enter few numbers ending with -1.
Example Input: 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 9 10 -1
--simple Simulate simple binary search tree.