资 源 简 介
This is the name of the markup syntax I"ve used to build my new site http://thewikiblog.appspot.com/.
It has :
headers (all levels are supported);
bold, italics, underline, super/sub scripts, mono space blocs, horizontal rule. They all can be nested within each other ;
code blocks with syntax highlighting;
a very basic lists and images support;
a custom markup rule to escape the wiki syntax if needed.
The syntax is highly extensible, and in fact you can even write your own one (supposed you know how to handle regular expressions).
For the moment, only an HTML handler is given for the output, but you can write your own one easily by following what I"ve done with it for another language (LaTeX, Lout, etc.)
Also provided is a simple (yes, I wrote it in 10 minutes, I don"t find enough time to look further at it yet) GUI previewer written in pyqt4 (with a home-done