资 源 简 介
本文(其实是随笔)和实例代码描述的内容主要包括:API拦截,消息钩子,枚举子窗体,注册系统热键。其中消息钩子、API拦截、枚举子窗体实现代码在dll中,注册系统热键代码实现在测试exe中,另外exe代码段还涉及自定义消息和系统栏图标。希望对你有用-paper (actually essay) and example code description of the contents include : API interception, news hook, except for the form, the registration system hotkey. Which news hook, API interception, except for Creating the dll code, the registration system hotkey implementation of the code in test exe, another source of exe from the definition also covers news and column system icon. Hope useful to you