资 源 简 介
FDK - opensource disk cleaner and powerful system optimizer with nice scripting support.
Utility now is very powerful, but need some of developing, translation and lots of bug-fixing. Author (I"m) has closed its project, but now it"s fully opensourced and MPL licensed. I"m hope, we can really do something nice with this code and make powerfull freeware open-sourced utility for admins and powerfull users. There are working idea of nice scripting support (davinchi-scripts), text-based used-edited plugins for system-tweaking and cleaning, cool and quick system cleaner and duplicate finder, sysinfo and systweak functions, etc. Now utility is Russian-based, but we can make it international?
FDK - Уникальный в своем роде многофункциональный, многоцелевой свободно распространяемый программный комплекс для оптимизации, настройки и очистки ОС.
FDK совмещает в себе фунции большого числа утилит, а благодаря простой и в тоже время удобной системе тектовых плагинов колличество настроек м