资 源 简 介
对现行管理业务进行详细调查是了解系统需求和进行系统分析和设计的重要基础工作,因此要对学校的学生成绩管理工作进行全面、细致而充分的调查研究。系统调研采取的主要方法是到现场去,通过座谈、询问、观察甚至直接参与管理活动,自上而下、逐步细化的进行了解。 -The research of modern manage operation is a very important base job. You can know system requirements and systems analysis using it.So,you should investigate the job of student grade manage.There are a lot of research means,such as:
going locale,having an informal discussion,inquiring,observing.You even could participate in management.